
In this article you will learn about " Difference Between Delegation And Decentralisation " in easy language and will be able to understand it. But before this you should know the meaning of two important terms that is Delegation and Decentralisation. 

Meaning Of Delegation

In every organisation, managers are assigned lot of work and manager alone cannot perform all the work. He divides the work among different individuals working under him according to their qualification and get the work done from them. He deliberately passes some of his responsibilities to his subordinates. After passing the responsibilities the manager also shares some of his authority (means power to make decision with his subordinates so that the responsibilities can be carried on properly). So we can say that " The delegation is a term used for assigning the tasks and responsibilities to a person in the organisation". It refers to downward transfer of authority from superior to subordinate. By passing or delegating the responsibilities, the superior cannot get rid of accountability. He should have checked in between and supervised from time to time whether the work is going in right direction or not and taken timely action. 

Meaning Of Decentralisation

Decentralisation is systematic delegation of authority and responsibility at different levels in an organisation. Here the delegation of authority and responsibility is not one time but is of permanent nature. Decentralisation lead to creation of organising structure consisting of hierarchies. It can be defined as even and systematic distribution of authority at every level of management. Under decentralisation every employee working at different levels gets some share in the authority. Decentralisation indicates that employees at middle and lower level can assume the responsibility for effective implementation of their decisions. Decentralisation is extension of delegation. In delegation, we multiply the authority with two, whereas in decentralisation the authority is multiplied by many. 

Difference Between Delegation And Decentralisation

1. Scope/ Parties Involved

Delegation is limited in scope because in delegation only two parties are involved that are manager and his subordinates. Whereas  decentralisation is large or wide in scope because in decentralisation employees working at different levels are involved which means almost all the employees in the employees in the organisation are involved in the process of decentralisation. 

2. Significance Status

Delegation is important function but it is the outline function of the managers. Almost everyday managers share their authority and responsibilities with the subordinates. Whereas decentralisation is more significant because it is a one time decision and it is a policy matter. The top executives decide whether to follow the decentralised or centralised policy. And once the decision is taken it is very difficult to change the decision. 

3. Freedom Of Action

In the process of delegation the managers pass the authority and the responsibilities to the subordinates and after that also there is constant and continuous supervision by the managers to keep check how subordinates are performing their activities, so we can say that in delegation there is less freedom. But in decentralisation there is more freedom of action because once the authority is distributed systematically there will be periodic appraisal and not the continuous supervision. 

4. Scope

Delegation is narrow in scope. Whereas decentralisation is wide in scope. 

5. Responsibility

Delegation is the responsibility of every manager. Whereas decentralisation is the responsibility of top level manager. 

6. Nature/Essential

Delegation is compulsory act because no individual can perform all the tasks on his own. But decentralisation is an optional policy. 

7. Purpose

The purpose of delegation is to reduce the burden of manager. Whereas the purpose of decentralisation is to increase the role of subordinates and giving them more autonomy. 

8. Grant Of Authority

In delegation, authority is granted by immediate superior. Whereas in decentralisation, authority is granted by top level. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What is delegation? 
Delegation is the process of distributing and assigning tasks to another person in the organisation. It refers to downward transfer of authority from superior to subordinate. 

Question 2. What is the purpose of delegation? 
The purpose of delegation is to reduce the burden of manager, save the time of manager, inspired employees for team work. 

Question 3. What is the relationship between delegation and decentralisation? 
Delegation is the process of systematic transfer of authority from superior to subordinate while decentralisation is the systematic delegation of authority and responsibility at different levels in an organisation. 

Question 4. What is the difference between delegation and decentralisation? 
Delegation refers to assigning of work or task by superior to subordinates and giving them authority to do that work. Whereas decentralisation is the extension of delegation. Decentralisation refers to systematic transfer of work to different levels of management in an organisation. 

What is decentralisation? 
Decentralisation is the transfer of work /task at different levels of management rather than at one point. Decentralisation is the responsibility of top management.