In this article you will know about " Consumer Protection Act, 1986 " in easy language but firstly we should know about who is called consumer and what is the definition of consumer?
What is the consumer?
Consumer refers to any person who buys any goods and services for a consideration which has been paid instantly or promised to paid in future date. Consumer is defined as a person who buys goods and services for their personal use, it does not include a person who obtains such goods and services for the purpose of resale or for use in the production process.
What is the concept of consumer protection?
Consumer protection refers to protecting the rights and interest of consumers. Consumer protection become necessary because it is observed that some businessmen involved in unfair practices such as supply of substandard quality, duplicate products, adulterated products etc. Some producer do not produce goods keeping in mind the requirements of consumers and satisfy the consumer, so there is need for consumer protection.
Read more:- Environment Protection Act, 1986 UPSC
What is Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
Enactment of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was one of the most important steps taken to protect the rights and interest of consumer. The provision of Act came into force from July 1,1987 . Consumer protection act protects consumers from harm by companies. It provide a mechanism to take action on complaints of the consumer and protect them from fraudulent activities.
Features Of Consumer Protection Act, 1986
- This act has provided various rights and responsibilities to consumers.
- It provides safeguard to customers against defective or duplicate goods, fraudulent activities, unfair trade practices and other form of their exploitation.
- This act has provided three tier redressal agencies that is District Forum, State Commission, National Commission, where consumer can file a compliant.
- The consumer protection act empowered the government to take action against unfair business trade.
Consumer Rights
1. Right to safety :- According to this right the consumers have the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property.
2. Right to information :- According to this right the consumer has the right to get information about the quality, quantity, purity, standard and price of goods or service so as to protect himself against the abusive and unfair practices.
3. Right to make choice :- According to this right every consumer has the right to choose the goods or services of his or her likings.
4. Right to be heard or right to representation :- According to this right the consumer has the right to represent himself or to be heard or right to advocate his interest. In case a consumer has been exploited or has any complaint against the product or service then he has the right to be heard and be assured that his/her interest would receive due consideration.
5. Right to seek rederssal :- According to this right the consumer has the right to get compensation or seek redressal against unfair practices or any other exploitation.
6. Right to consumer education :- According to this right it is the right of consumer to acquire the knowledge and skills to be informed to customers. All consumers must know about their rights and take actions against unfair trade practices.
In conclusion, the establishment of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was one of the most important steps taken by the government to protect the interest of consumers. The provision of act came into force from July 1, 1987. Consumer Protection Act protect consumers from unfair trade practices or any other exploitation and encourages them to speak against hazardous goods, duplicate goods, fraudulent activities. This act provide a platform to consumers where they can file a complaint against defective goods, services, unfair trade practices. This act provides various rights and responsibilities to consumers. Consumers should know about these rights and responsibilities and should also follow it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1. What are the main objectives of consumer protection act?
The main objectives of consumer protection act is to provides safeguards to customers against defective goods, services, hazardous goods, unfair trade practices, fraudulent activities etc.
Question 2. When did the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 came into force?
The provisions of consumer protection act, 1986 came into force from July 1,1987.
Question 3. How many consumer rights are there?
According to Consumer Protection Act, 1986 there are Six consumer rights that are provided to all the consumers .
Question 4. What is the latest amendment Act of consumers protection act,1986 ?
The Consumer Protection Act 2019, was the latest amendment act published on 9 August 2019 and came into force from 20 July, 2020 , replacing the previous Consumer Protection Act ,1986.